Happy Holidays, May they be Decked in Flannel
The stockings have been hung and the house is covered in the mayhem of last minute holiday wrapping and the frustration involved with tape with subpar teeth. The radio says that across the country this year, Christmas will be without a blanket of snow, so the pines and balsams will not bow at you tomorrow morning.
But as you wake, like every Christmas morning, for as long as you can remember, hopefully in your flannel lounge pants, but if not, maybe this year, I hope you remember what makes this holiday great: that pocket of thanks you feel that someone thought of you the instant before you actually get a gift opened, the warm glow of the neighbor’s decorations from out your window, or that laugh that was given over the dinner table that will carry you into next year. It is these things that hold the most important pieces of every holiday, and it’s these things that in the new year, you can look back on and have that moment to smile.
So, tonight. wrap yourself a little tighter in flannel, raise your glass, your eyes, or head to the beauty of this season, that brings everyone a little more together, for often, we are so far apart. Happy Holidays, from this flannel family, to you and yours!