Coming Apart at the Seams? Quilters at the Ready
(Quilt Artist: Eunice)
Finished with your most recent quilting project and unsure of what to do for your next one? Dear reader, I say, choose one with flannel!
So it’s happened, the cuffs on that flannel shirt you’ve been preserving, delicately, every day, on your body, have finally fallen off. It is time, don’t lose your stitches, refurbish! Torn and unsalvageable flannel shirts or threadbare sheets don’t need to be thrown out, as everyone else harps, they can be turned into beautiful quilts or pillows. Keep someone, mainly yourself, happy in the warmth of age old comfort.
You can find an array of flannel patterns to work with any kind of home decor aesthetic and Vermont Flannel™offers the ultimate comfort in flannel that is 100% cotton and only has a 3% shrinkage rate because of it’s tightly woven nature. So if you’re going pedal to the floor and have run out of fabric, pull up our online store. There you can find flannel fabric for purchase by the yard that can be shipped right to your doorstep, or you can put your best walking foot forward and stroll into any one of our five locations and pick up a Quilt in a Box.
A Quilt in the Box is a prepackaged box that has over 520 flannel squares in an assortment of four colors that each have been cut to approximately 4”x 4.” Buy two and you will have enough squares to make a quilt big enough for a queen-sized bed! Everything will be on point!
With squares or scraps you could make a quilt in the bear paw pattern, which is my favorite. For a rustic feel or with squares, scraps and, or a conglomeration of the two, you could make a “crazy quilt” to harness memories, with our double-brushed fabric for extra softness.
A “crazy quilt” is a quilt made with a collection of fabric pieces of no specific size and sewn together in no specific way. My mother has one made from the garments of four generations of women, pieces added and sewn in to capture memories and the history of a family line. Some pieces have torn and faded over the years, but it is a quilt made with love and captures time as all quilts do. Set the seam for your house and get stitching today!